Last year’s one-two punch of Hurricanes Floyd and Irene was just too much for north Florida’s coastlines, causing beach erosion, threatening SR A1A in Flagler County, and spurring the DOT into emergency action.
Ranger North was awarded a $3.6 million contract in December 1999, covering approximately two miles of SR A1A alongside Flagler Beach.
The emergency project, which had to be finished within 150 days, involved grading, laying filter fabric, and placing more than 16,000 tons of bedding stone and 40,000 tons of riprap or bank and shore material, were placed on the east face of the beach dune to protect A1A from future erosion.
Under a separate $1.2 million contract, Ranger also made emergency repairs to three causeways in Brevard County, which suffered from hurricane damage, as well. Ranger Central performed the Brevard repairs.
Both jobs started in January 2000 on a fast-track schedule and were completed on time.