Industry Involvement The Right Thing To Do For Company Execs

In business, as in all other aspects of life, giving back is vital for genuine success. The Vecellio Group leads by example in following this truth. Company leadership is encouraged to give back not only through community and educational support, but by actively participating in the organizations that keep their industries strong.

This involvement starts right from the top. CEO Leo Vecellio, Jr., served as the 2007-2008 Chairman of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association, the industry’s consensus voice on issues before Congress. He was elected to the Chairmanship after years of dedicated involvement in the organization.

Leo is also a current or former board member of many other noted trade and business organizations on a local, state and national level.

Mike Slade, President of Ranger Construction’s Central division, is in his second year as President of the Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida. Mike has also served as ACAF Vice President and as Chairman of the Florida Transportation Builders Association.

Vecellio & Grogan President Bill Medcalf is active at the board and committee chair levels of trade associations in West Virginia, Virginia and the Carolinas, lending his expertise on heavy/highway contracting in general, and on design-build, specifications, and joint co-ops in particular.

And at Sharpe Bros., Vice President Ivan Clayton recently served on the Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association’s executive committee.

With their decades of experience, the Group’s seasoned veterans are setting a fine example for the younger generation, who are also getting involved.

Corporate Vice Presidents Christopher and Michael Vecellio, along with Ranger Central V.P. Bob Schafer and Construction Manager Ponch Frank, have all completed ARTBA’s Young Executive Program. And this spring Bob becomes President of the Associated General Contractors’ Florida East Coast Chapter, a position Mike Slade also has held.

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