Training is no trivial matter for the Vecellio Companies. It’s where the rubber meets the road. Literally.
Since 1993 the company has utilized an Operations Safety Training van equipped with a large screen TV and two VCRs to bring important messages to our job sites.
An outgrowth of our weekly Tool Box Safety Meetings, the van allows much more comprehensive safety and operations training through the use of instructional videotapes, without having to send personnel to an offsite training location.
The Vecellio Group maintains an extensive video library with more than 125 safety and training titles, ranging from operating heavy equipment, to avoiding hot mix asphalt hazards, to electrical safety in construction.
Magnetic decals on the side of the van are changed to reflect which company is using it. The van goes out to job sites several times per month.
For the workers, the van means more than just a half-hour break with free coffee, soda or even pizza.
It’s a reminder of our company’s commitment to always working safely, with proper operations knowledge.