“If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.” That old saying is just as true today as it’s ever been and we strive to take that attitude to heart throughout our organization.
Our goal is to consistently achieve high-quality results for our customers. Ranger’s six “Quality In Construction” awards from the National Asphalt Pavement Association show we don’t “coast by” on the road to success, but diligently apply ourselves to improve our processes and maintain the high standards we have set.
My congratulations to the crews and supervisors on these projects for producing such outstanding results!
Even more important to our ongoing success is the safety of our employees, and we extend our heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all those who received Supervisor Safety Awards and bonuses for their 2008 safety records. It is my privilege to award these to the folks most responsible for the day-in and day-out safety of our crews. Nothing is more important than keeping our workers safe and our work zones incident-free.
One more note of congratulations, and that’s to the management and crews of Ranger North on their successful SR-414 project. Completing a $105 million road construction project safely and well ahead of schedule is truly an impressive feat. Well done team!